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Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

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Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

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Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

Thursday 30 September 2021

Vietnam to Review Application of Anti-Dumping Measures to Plastic and Polymer

On July 20th, 2020 the Ministry of Foreign and Trade issued Decision No.1900/QD-BCT on applying the official anti-dumping measure to some plastic products and products from plastic made of polymer from propylene originated from the Republic People’s of China, Kingdom of Thailand, and Malaysia (Case No.AR01, AD07).


On September 24th, 2021, the Ministry of Foreign and Trade issued Decision No.2201/QD-BCT on the first review of the application of anti-dumping measures to Plastic and Polymer.

The reviewed products

The plastic products and products from plastic made of polymer from propylene having the thickness is from 10 microns to 80 microns and the width is from 115mm to 7800mm. These products are holding HS Code 3920.20.10 and 3920.20.91. The current anti-dumping tax for these products is from 9,05% to 23,71% dependent on the exporter.

The scope of the review

To review the anti-dumping duties applied to:

Group of Kunlene companies, including Suzhou Kunlene Film Industries Co., Ltd. and Yunnan Kunlene Film Industries Co., Ltd.; and

Group of Kinwin companies, including Kinwin Plastic Industrial Co., Ltd.; Zhejiang Kinlead Innovative Materials Co., Ltd., and Ultra Fast Development Limited.

The period of review

The Investigating Authority will collect the data related to the review from October 01st, 2020 to September 30th, 2021.

The time limit for the review

According to the regulations on Law on Foreign Trade Management, the time limit for the review of products subject to the anti-dumping measure is 06 months from the day on which the decision on review is issued, with a possible extension up to 03 months if necessary.

The parties need to register as related parties to ensure their rights in this case.

If Client needs any more information or request for legal advice or potential dispute regarding trade remedies measures including, anti-dumping, countervailing duty and safeguard measures or international trade dispute matters, our competition, anti-dumping, and countervailing duty lawyers in Vietnam of International trade and tax practice at ANT Lawyers, an Anti-dumping law firm in Vietnam always follow up anti-dumping cases and its development to update clients on regular basis.


Wednesday 29 September 2021

What Conditions for Arbitration Agreement to Take Effect in Vietnam?

Commercial arbitration means a mode of dispute settlement agreed by the parties and to be conducted in accordance with law. Arbitration agreement means an agreement between the parties to settle by arbitration a dispute which may arise or has arisen. Dispute is settled by arbitration if the parties have agreed to arbitration.


Arbitration Law Firm in Vietnam

In order for the arbitration agreement to take effect, what conditions must be met?

The Commercial Arbitration Law 2010 does not specify the conditions for an arbitration agreement to take effect. However, based on the cases when the arbitration agreement is invalid, we can draw out the basic conditions for the arbitration agreement to be effective.

Parties of the agreement: this condition is considered as the most important when it directly affects the validity of civil transactions in general and arbitration agreements in particular. Accordingly, the person establishing the arbitration agreement has civil capacity as prescribed in the Civil Code 2015.

Jurisdiction of arbitration: the arbitration agreement must belong to the fields under the jurisdiction of the arbitration. Specifically, it is an agreement that requests arbitration to resolve disputes between parties arising from commercial activities; disputes arising between the parties in which at least one party has commercial activities or other disputes between the parties as prescribed by law shall be settled by arbitration.

Arbitration agreement form: the arbitration agreement may be established in the form of an arbitration clause in a contract or in the form of a separate agreement. The arbitration agreement must be established in the form of a document prescribed in Clause 2, Article 16 of the Commercial Arbitration Law 2010, such as an agreement made through communication between the parties by telegram, fax, telex, email or other forms provided for by law; agreement is established through the exchange of written information between the parties; …

The will of the parties when signing: the parties must be completely voluntary in concluding the arbitration agreement. The parties shall not be deceived, intimidated or coerced in the process of establishing an arbitration agreement. The arbitration agreement violates the prohibition of the law.

In case multiple arbitration agreements are made on the same dispute, the latest lawful agreement shall apply.

Besides, there are many matters that impact the dispute which parties should consider and it is important that parties engage with dispute lawyers in Vietnam early in the dispute stages to review relevant matters and prepare a strategic approach to the dispute for most effective solution.

ANT Lawyers – An arbitration law firm in Vietnam recognized by Legal500, IFLR1000. We are an exclusive Vietnam member of Prea Legal, the global law firm network covering more than 150 jurisdictions. The firm provides a range of legal services to multinational and domestic clients. For advice or services request, please contact us via email


Monday 27 September 2021

Termination of Employment Contracts in Vietnam Due to Economic Reasons

Termination of a labor contract is an event that terminates the employment relationship between the employee and the employer. In particular, there are many cases of termination of labor contracts such as the labor contract expires, the work stated in the labor contract has been completed, both parties agree to terminate the labor contract, the employer lays off the employee due to structural or technological changes or because of economic reasons, merger, consolidation or division of the enterprise or cooperative,…


In case more than one employee face the risk of unemployment for economic reasons, the employer shall propose and implement a labor utilization plan in accordance with labour code. Specifically, the labor utilization plan must contain the following main contents: list and number of employees who continue to be employed, employees sent for re-training to continue using; list and number of retired employees; list and number of employees transferred to work part-time; employees must terminate labor contracts and measures and financial sources to ensure the implementation of the plan.

In case the employer cannot employ and have to dismiss employees, the employer shall pay job-loss allowances to the employees. Accordingly, the employer shall pay a job-loss allowance to an employee who loses his/her job and has worked regularly for the employer for 12 months or longer. The job-loss allowance is equal to 1 month’s wage for each working year, but must not be lower than 2 months’ wage.

The working period used for the calculation of job-loss allowance is the total time during which the employee actually works for the employer minus the time during which the employee benefits from unemployment insurance in accordance with the Law of Social Insurance and the working period for which the employer has paid a severance allowance to the employee. The wage used for the calculation of job-loss allowance is the average wage in accordance with the labor contract during 6 months preceding the time the employee loses his/her job.

The dismissal of more than one employee in accordance with this regulation may be implemented only after discussion with the representative organization of the grassroots-level employees’ collective and notification 30 days in advance to the provincial-level state management agency of labor.

It is important for the employer to consult with dispute lawyers in Vietnam specializing in labour matters for the avoidance of potential dispute with the employee, and cause negative social impact when deciding to terminate contract due to economic reasons.

ANT Lawyers - An Employment dispute law firm in Vietnam, recognized by Legal500, IFLR1000. We are an exclusive Vietnam member of Prea Legal, the global law firm network covering more than 150 jurisdictions. The firm provides a range of legal services to multinational and domestic clients. For advice or services request, please contact us via email


Brief Reminder of Time Schedule to Apply PCT Application into Vietnam

According to Vietnam Law on Intellectual property, a PCT applicant who would like to go into Vietnamese phase after the end of PCT procedures need to submit the application within the following duration:


Register patent in Vietnam

If an international application designates Vietnam, the National Office of Intellectual Property in Vietnam (NOIP) is the designated office. In this case, in order to enter the national phase, the applicant shall submit, within 31 months from the date of priority, to the NOIP the following:

-Written declaration requesting invention registration, made according to a set form;

-Copy of the international application (if the applicant requests the entry into the national phase before the date of publication of the international publication);

-Vietnamese translation of the international application: The description, consisting of a description section, protection request, annotations for drawings and abstract (the published copy or initially filed original application, if the application has not yet been published, and modified copy and explanation of modified contents, if the international application has been modified under Article 19 of Patent Cooperation Treaty;

-National charges and fees.

If an international application elects Vietnam, the NOIP is the elected office. In this case, if the election of Vietnam is made within 19 months from the date of priority, in order to enter the national phase, the applicant shall submit, within 31 months from the date of priority, to the NOIP the following documents:

-Written declaration request;

-Sting invention registration, made according to a set form;

-Vietnamese translation of the international application: The description, consisting of a description section, protection request, annotations for drawings and abstract (the published copy or initially filed original application, if the application has not yet been published, and modified copy and explanation of modified contents, if the international application has been modified under Article 19 and/or Article 34(2)(b) of the Treaty);

-Vietnamese translations of annexes to the international preliminary examination report (when substantive examination of the application is requested);

-National charges and fees.

After having submitted the application, the time  when the processing of an international application designating or electing Vietnam in the national phase starts is the first day of the thirty second month from the date of priority if the applicant files no written request for entry into the national phase earlier than the above time limits. The international application shall be put to formality examination and substantive examination according to the procedures applicable to ordinary invention registration applications. If the applicant requests in writing earlier examination of his/her application and pay the prescribed charge, the international application shall be examined earlier than the time limit specified above in accordance with the provisions of Article 2 3(2) of the Treaty.

Please be noted that in addition to the cases where an international application is considered withdrawn specified in the Treaty and the Regulation on implementation of the Treaty, an international application designating or electing Vietnam shall be considered withdrawn if the national fees are not paid to the NOIP or there is no Vietnamese translation upon the expiration of the set time limit.

It is important to adhere to the deadline and patent attorney of ANT Lawyers always follow up with the Client to remind on the schedule to follow when submitting for PCT application in Vietnam.

It is important to adhere to the deadline and patent attorney in Vietnam of ANT Lawyers always follow up with the Client to remind on the schedule to follow when submitting for PCT application in Vietnam.

If you're looking for an affordable IP attorneys in Vietnam, check out ANT was established to meet these needs by providing fast, effective and economical solutions. Hope that clears things up a bit. Feel free to message me directly to chat further about any other IP questions that you face.


Friday 24 September 2021

Summary of Customs Development Strategy from 2021 to 2030

In order to create favorable conditions for export and import to ensure state budget revenue and combat smuggling of banned and toxic goods, intellectual property infringement, counterfeiting of origin, affecting national security, contributing to national security create fairness and equality in business as well as modernize the Customs sector, the General Department of Customs has issued the Draft Customs development strategy for the period of 2021-2030 to gradually build Vietnam’s Customs in accordance with the new situation.


The Draft Decision on Customs development strategy for the period of 2021-2030 (the “Draft”) expect to ensure the management of the State and in compliance with international commitments which Vietnam is a member. Besides, the Draft also is expected to create favourable conditions for enterprises and flexibility in management towards modernization of the Customs in the new era.

The Draft aims at the overall goal of building a regular, modern force, on par with other countries in the region and the world, towards the development of a smart customs system, propose solutions to improve efficiency in the process of carrying out customs procedures and collecting taxes effectively to create convenience for passengers and businesses. At the same time, the Draft also aims to ensure maritime security, national competition and protect Vietnam’s interests and sovereignty.

In addition, the Draft sets out the main goals for the period 2021-2030 with the smart customs model continuing to be the key goal, built in a professional direction, minimizing administrative procedures and synchronization throughout the system, applying the achievements of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and the cooperation and facilitation of the Customs of developed countries to realize the requirements of reform and modernization of state administration towards building a digital government, E-government. In addition, the prevention of smuggling activities is still a prerequisite goal to protect the business environment in Vietnam. Moreover, the goal is to reduce the human resource apparatus, improve the capacity and qualifications of the customs force to suit the needs of innovation in customs management technology.

The Draft sets a target that by 2025, Customs will strive to complete the redesign of the customs system in the direction of digital customs while ensuring information security; to ensure 90% of applications will be processed online, minimizing manual administrative procedures; to build a paperless, simple and effective working environment. Accordingly, the Draft is expected that 80% of inspection activities will be carried out through the digital environment, the information technology system of the General Department of Customs. Along with that, the Draft would improve the efficiency of the Customs Single Window to 100% for administrative procedures and integrate it on the National Public Service Portal for easy access and implementation by businesses and people; promote the signing of international treaties on customs to create favorable conditions for domestic enterprises as well as ensure the principle of benefits for all parties.

In order to achieve the above objectives, the General Department of Customs has proposed specific solutions to improve the legal system so that the implementation is synchronized; improve management methods to prevent violations and apply information technology to gradually guide people and businesses familiar with online procedures; improve the use of technology for customs officers, step by step reduce inappropriate procedures, and put the smart customs model into the application to make appropriate adjustments to reality.

In terms of customs operations, the Draft also sets out step by step application of supply chain management models to meet current needs and research the implementation in the field of insurance and customs clearance guarantees, accelerate the inspection of goods in electronic form, reduce paperwork to the paperless stage, simplify administrative procedures, reduce waiting time at the border, implement the flow of goods, authorization to check at the border gate, apply modern technology solutions and inspection and monitoring equipment suitable to the characteristics of the border gate area, capable of integrating and exchanging data in a centralized and unified manner.

Regarding tax administration, the Draft expects to uniformly apply taxes and collection rates suitable for each type of goods, minimize the tax filing process, quickly develop tax schedules as well as clear and transparent processes, creating convenience for both payers and regulators.

Management of import and export activities, import and export of means of transport must be unified, concentrated, and minimized the handling process, cutting unnecessary intermediary stages. The Draft also aims to encourage and create conditions for people, businesses and related parties to participate in legal policy criticism, cooperate with customs authorities in law enforcement and supervision.

With this Draft, Vietnam has the prospect that by 2030, Vietnam will complete the renovation and modernization in the customs sector, including building a strong and clean customs force, as well as equipping vehicles and applying artificial intelligence technology in customs management, striving to build a customs force on par with developed countries in the region, keeping up with advanced countries in the world.

ANT Lawyers, a law firm in Vietnam with customs lawyers in Vietnam always follow up customs cases and its development to update clients on regular basis.



Thursday 23 September 2021

How Amendment to Contracts in Vietnam Can be Made?

Once a contract is made legally, contracting parties shall implement and such contract is respected by third parties. As stated in Civil Code 2015 (“CC”): “Each commitment or agreement that does not violate regulations of law and is not contrary to social ethics shall be bound by contracting parties and must be respected by other entities”. However, in the implementation process, the contract can be amended, which means, rights and obligation of parties can be amended accordingly.


Contract Dispute Lawyer in Vietnam

Due to the fact that the contract is result of before agreement, amendment shall follow certain conditions. According to laws, parties may agree to amend a contract. Enterprises need to pay attention to some following issues when amending the contract in the implementation process:

Firstly, entities participating in contract amendment is the matter which enterprises need to notice. Both contract and supplemental agreement are made on behalf of the parties, which means between two juridical persons. In reality, juridical persons only carry out transactions through representatives, it may be legal representative or authorized representative. Therefore, entities participating in contract amendment shall be representative of juridical persons. A civil transaction entered into and performed with a third person by a representative in accordance with his/her scope of authorization shall give rise to rights and obligations of the principal. Regarding consequence of civil transactions made by unauthorized persons or by representatives beyond scope of representation, such civil transactions shall not give rise to rights and obligations of the principal or not give rise to rights and obligations of the principal with respect to that part of the transaction which exceeded the scope of representation, except for any of the following cases: (i) The principal recognizes the transaction or gives consent; (ii) The principal knows it without any objection within an appropriate time limit; (iii) It is the principal’s fault that the other party does not know or is not able to know that the person entering into and performing the civil transaction therewith was unauthorized or beyond his/her scope of representation. In above circumstances, the unauthorized person must fulfill the obligations to the person with which he/she transacted or the obligations owning to the person with which he/she transacted in respect of the part of transaction which is beyond the scope of representation, unless such person knew or should have known that the representative was unauthorized or the scope of representation was exceeded but still transacted. A person having transacted with above representative has the right to terminate unilaterally the performance or to terminate the made civil transaction or to terminate the civil transaction with respect to that part which is beyond the scope of representation or with respect to the entire transaction and to demand compensation for any damage, except that such person knew or should have known that that the representative was unauthorized or the scope of representation was exceeded or the case of which the principal recognizes the transaction or gives consent. If above representatives and the other party in a civil transaction deliberately enter into and perform such transaction and thereby cause damage to the principal, they must jointly compensate for the damage.

Form of agreement on amending contract is the second matter which needs to be taken into consideration. Amendment shall comply with the form of the initial contract. For instance, if the initial contract is made in written, notarized, certified, registered, the amendment shall follow such forms. The form of contract shall be the conditions for its effectiveness in cases where it is provided by law. Therefore, the form of amended contract shall be the conditions for its effectiveness in cases where it is provided by law. In invalid contracts, the general rule is restoring everything to its original state and returning to each other what have received. The condition for the contract of non-compliance with form recognized by the Court’s decision is that one party or the parties has fulfill at least two third of the obligation contract. However, not one party or the parties fulfilling at least two third of the obligation contract will naturally make such contract invalid but there must go through the Court. Specifically, according to request of one party, after fully considering conditions mentioned above, the Court shall make a decision on recognizing the validity of such contract. This principle also applies to contracts amendment. It is important that parties to consult with lawyers at early stage to anticipate matters of dispute and clearly have clauses drafted to avoid potential future disputes.

ANT Lawyers – A Law firm in Vietnam has law offices in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and Da Nang.  The lawyers at each law offices in Vietnam have consistently made valuable and important contributions to our profession through the cases we handled on daily basis to facilitate business transaction or represented our clients to access justice.


Wednesday 22 September 2021

The Dispute Settlement Mechanism of WTO

How Does Dispute Settlement Mechanism of WTO Work?

The dispute settlement mechanism of the World Trade Organization (WTO) is a succession of the dispute settlement rules that has been effective for nearly 50 years in the history of GATT 1947. The basic objective of this dispute resolution mechanism is to achieve a positive solution to the dispute. Vietnam is member of WTO therefore it could refer to dispute settlement mechanism of  WTO in dispute against other country member.


When a dispute arises at the WTO, the parties will first conduct consultations to come up with a mutually agreed solution to resolve the case (Consultation – the stage of mediation), as  usual in each case there is the participation of third parties (who are members of significant interest and desire to participate in the dispute resolution process), if they feel a significant interest in the case and should be considered by the panel. In the case of an unsuccessful inquiry, a panel of 3 to 5 members will be established and tasked with examining a particular issue in dispute on the basis of WTO rules cited by the claimant’s country.

After the establishment of a panel to review the complaint, the first thing that the panel needs to do is to set a timetable for its proceedings (Article 12.3 of the DSU). The panel procedure usually covers the contents set forth in Article 12 and Annex 3 of the DSU, including certain flexibility to ensure the quality of the report without delaying the proceedings. Setting a timetable helps the parties understand the contents and deadlines for each dispute, helping them be more proactive in presenting evidence, bases and arguments in their submitted documents.

After the hearings take place, the panel will enter the internal discussion phase (deliberation), to review the assessment of relevant legal, practical issues in accordance with the provisions of the WTO, the deliberation must be kept secret. These reports were drafted without the presence of the parties to the dispute, but only according to the content of the information provided and the comments made earlier. Individual opinions of jurors presented in a panel report shall not include the names of speakers of such opinions.

After the final report will be sent to the parties to the dispute within 2 weeks after the panel has concluded the mid-term review. Normally, every report of the panel has very large content, to facilitate the study of review by the appellate body and to quote case law, the report must show the table of contents and paragraphs which are separate numbered in the order of the report. If there is no appeal, the dispute resolution process will immediately go to the implementation stage after the DSB adopts a panel report. If there is an appeal, the case will be reviewed at the Appellate level.

It is important for Vietnam as member of WTO to be aware of the dispute settlement mechanism and fully prepared when having dispute against other country members in international trade dispute matters.

ANT Lawyers – A Law firm in Vietnam has law offices in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and Da Nang.  The lawyers at each law offices in Vietnam have consistently made valuable and important contributions to our profession through the cases we handled on daily basis to facilitate business transaction or represented our clients to access justice.


Tuesday 21 September 2021

How Foreigners Could Marry Vietnamese Wife?

When a foreigner marrying a Vietnamese, this is cross cultural marriage with challenges and complexity in relationships which could be legally difficult. The Vietnam laws on Marriage and Family on marriage and family relations involving foreign elements provide legal grounds to avoid false marriages to gain citizenship or conduct human trafficking.


The following should be taken into consideration when a foreigner marrying a Vietnamese. However due to the complexity, it is suggested family lawyers in Vietnam to be consulted to ensure the correct processes and procedures are carried out in timely manner:

Marriage consultation:

If marriage registration between a foreigner and a Vietnamese belongs one of the following cases, Vietnamese citizen must be consulted by the provincial Marriage Consultancy Center: i) the age gap between two partners is 20 years or more; ii) this is the third marriage of the foreign partner, or the foreign partner has gone through a divorce with a Vietnamese citizen; iii) the partners do not completely understand about the families and backgrounds of each other; about the languages, traditions, customs, cultures, and laws on marriage and families of each other’s country.

After being advised on marriage consultation, Vietnamese citizen will be issued a certificate by Marriage Consultancy Center (hereafter referred to as Certificate) which is part of the application dossier.

When the Vietnamese citizens is fluent in a foreign language or foreigner is fluent in Vietnamese, and  the interviews at the Justice Department show that both sides have an good understanding of family circumstances, personal situation, and the understanding of language, customs, traditions, culture, laws on marriage and family in each country, the Certificate will not be needed.

Submission for marriage registration

One of two parties would submit directly to provincial Department of Justice of province where the Vietnamese citizen applicant resides.  A dossier of marriage registration is prepared including the following papers of each party:

a) The marriage registration declaration (standard form);

b) The papers of marriage status of each party:

Vietnamese shall provide the written certification of marital status issued by the People’s Committee where he/she resides.

Foreigner shall provide the documentary evidence on marital status of foreigners issued by a competent agency of the country of which the applicant is a citizen. In cases where foreign laws do not prescribe the certification of marriage status, it can be replaced by the certification of oath taken by the applicant that he or she concurrently has no wife or husband, in accordance with the laws of those countries; the written certificate of marriage eligibility issued by a competent agency of the country of which the applicant is a citizen (unless laws of this country do not regulate about this document); for foreigners who have already been divorced with Vietnamese citizens at foreign competent agencies, they must submit the written confirmation that the divorce which carried out abroad have been recorded in civil status book as prescribed by law of Vietnam.

c) The medical examination from a Vietnamese or foreign competent health organization, certifying that such person does not suffer from mental diseases or other diseases which make a person incapable to aware or control his/her acts;

d) Copies of personal papers, such as identity card or passport, passport or papers of substitute value such as travel document or residence card;

e) Copies of the household registration book, the temporary residence book (for Vietnamese citizens living in the country); permanent residence card, temporary residence card or temporary residence certificate (for foreigners residing temporarily or permanently in Vietnam).

f) Certificate of Marriage Consultancy Center on marriage to a foreigner that Vietnamese citizens have been given advice for marriage in compulsory cases mentioned above.

All documents provide by parties have to have valuation within 6 months to the date when the dossier is received.

Interviews for marriage registration to a foreigner in Vietnam

Within 15 days as from the date of receiving the complete and valid dossiers as well as fees, the provincial Department of Justice shall have the responsibilities to implement the direct interview at head office for both marriage partners in order to check, clarify personal matter, voluntary marriage and extent of understanding each other of both marriage partners.

If the interview result shows that two parties fail to understand status of each other, the provincial Department of Justice shall make an appointment for re-interview; the next interview shall be performed 30 days after the preceding interview.

In cases there are issues which need to be verified, the provincial Department of Justice dshall carry out necessary procedures to verify.

Certificate of marriage registration in Vietnam

After interviewing both marriage partners, studying and verifying the marriage registration dossiers, opinions of police agencies (if any), the provincial Department of Justice shall report result and propose settlement of marriage registration to submit to provincial People’s Committees for decision, enclosed with 01 set of marriage registration dossier.

Within 05 working days, after receiving the written submission of the provincial justice department together with the marriage registration dossier, the chairman of the provincial People’s Committee shall sign in the certificate of marriage and return dossier to the provincial Department of Justice for holding the ceremony for marriage registration.

In case refusal for marriage registration, provincial People’s Committees shall have a document clearly stating reasons thereof and send it to the provincial Department of Justice in order to notify both marriage partners.

Ceremonies for marriage registration in Vietnam

Within 05 working days, after the Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee signs the marriage certificate, the provincial Department of Justice shall hold ceremony for marriage registration.

The marriage registration ceremony shall be solemnly organized at the office of the provincial Department of Justice. When the marriage registration ceremony is held, both marriage partners must be present. The representative of the provincial Department of Justice shall preside over the ceremony, requesting both parties to state their final intention on voluntary marriage. If they agree to marry each other, the representative of the Department of Justice shall record the marriage in the marriage registers, requesting each party to sign on the marriage certificate, the marriage register and hand over the original marriage certificate to the husbands and wives, each with one certificate.

The marriage certificate shall be valid from the date the marriage registration ceremony is organized as provided. The grant of copies of the marriage certificate from the original registers shall be implemented by the provincial Department of Justice at the requests of the wives or husbands.

Lawyers at ANT Lawyers – Marriage and divorce dispute law firm in Vietnam have experience with registration of marriage, divorce procedures or dispute matters of assets, properties in Vietnam. For advice or service request, please contact us via email, or call us +84 24 730 86 529


Monday 20 September 2021

Conditions for Cancellation of Contract in Vietnam

What are Conditions for Cancellation of Contract?

When entering into a contract, the parties in a contractual relationship always aim for certain interests and purposes. However, in reality, the contract is not always implemented seriously and in good faith. According to Vietnam laws, parties are entitled to cancel the contract to protect rights and interests. Therefore, it is not rare for a party to request to cancel the contract in order not to be bound by the contract. However, it should be noted that the right of cancellation is only applied in some certain circumstances which stipulated by the law. This is to limit arbitrariness of cancelling the contract.


 Contract dispute law firm in Vietnam

The basic condition for cancelling the contract is the breach. However, it should be noted that not all breaches of contract will result in cancelling the contract. This is stipulated in both of general law and specialized law. According to Commercial law 2005 (“CL”), the sanction of cancelling the contract is applied in case of breaching act be a condition for the cancellation of the contract as agreed upon by the parties or in case of substantial breach of contractual obligations from a party. Specifically, contractual breach means the failure of a party to perform, to fully or properly perform its obligations according to the agreement between the parties or the provisions of CL. Substantial breach means a contractual breach by a party, which causes damage to the other party to an extent that the other party cannot achieve the purpose of the entry into the contract. Civil Code 2015 (“CC”) also stipulates correspondingly but it uses the term “serious breach”: “A party has the right to cancel the contract and shall not be liable to compensate for damage in the following cases: (i) A breaching act of one party is a condition for the cancellation of the contract as agreed upon by the parties; (ii) The other party seriously violates the obligations in the contract; (iii) Others circumstances as provided by law. Serious violation means the failure to fulfill obligations properly by a party which make the other party cannot achieve the purpose of the entry into the contract”. However, currently there is no specific guidance on identifying the substantial breach of contractual obligations and the serious breach of contractual obligations. Therefore, determining whether a party’s breach is considered as a substantial breach of contractual obligations or a serious breach of contractual obligations will be within the competence of the jurisdiction.

A lawfully concluded contract may be canceld when a party breaches its basic contractual obligations. After cancelling the contract, such contract shall be invalid from the time it is entered into, and the parties shall not have to continue performing their contractual obligations, except for their agreements on their post-cancellation rights and obligations and resolution of disputes. The parties shall have the right to claim benefits brought about their performance of their contractual obligations. If parties have indemnity obligations, their obligations must be performed concurrently. Where it is impossible to make the indemnity with benefits which one party has enjoyed, the obliged party must make the indemnity in cash. Breached parties are entitled to claim damages.

In conclusion, from the regulation of law, it can be seen that nature of contract is to benefit for the parties and not to be canceld. The cancellation is very serious so the contract can only be canceld in some certain conditions. The contract cannot be canceld as a sanction if there is no contract breach. Simultaneously, the party requesting cancellation also needs to know that such request is only accepted if there is enough foundation to affirm that the other party has substantial breach of contractual obligations or the serious breach of contractual obligations.  Parties encountering potential dispute should consult with dispute lawyers in Vietnam for proper resolution.

ANT Lawyers – A Law firm in Vietnam has law offices in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and Da Nang.  The lawyers at each law offices in Vietnam have consistently made valuable and important contributions to our profession through the cases we handled on daily basis to facilitate business transaction or represented our clients to access justice